Thank you to everyone who attended my workshops in Munster, Indiana. We learned so much together and cultivated our new lifestyle.
“Transform Your Health with the Traditional Foods Diet”
Follow along as I walk you through the confusing world of diets, processed foods, and crazy-modern living. This interactive series will have you brainstorming in class, and taking home easy-to-follow steps that can transform the health of you and and your family. It’s amazing how much impact what you eat can have on your state of mind, and nowadays you can even cook with usa grown cbd provisions like cbd oil, which gives you that extra calm inducing boost, so the potential is endless.
Class 1) Why is Wellness & Dieting so Confusing Today?
Date: Jan 16
Learn about the history of the human diet to gain an understanding about why dietary advice is so conflicting, and walk away with a simple dietary approach that is valuable for the rest of your life.
Click here to expand and learn more about this class In this class we will briefly discuss the agricultural revolution to understand how the American diet changed so drastically during that time. We will discuss the frequency of health-focused media headlines and bad science. You’ll learn about what I call the Traditional Foods Diet, and how to determine if modern convenience foods are healthy. We’ll wrap up discussing how healthy food is not a one-size-fits-all category because we all have individual needs. Lastly, how does modern life, stress, and environmental toxins affect our health. This class is for you if any of the following describe you…
Class 2) The Traditional Foods Diet: The Answer to All of Your Dietary Needs
Date: Jan 23
Learn to dodge diet fads, and navigate food labels by applying the principles of The Traditional Foods Diet. Discover which foods you were meant to be eating.
Click here to expand and learn more about this class In this class we will discuss the foods humans were designed to eat. You’ll learn about the importance of eating nutriet-dense foods, what to look for on food labels, and why you might want to soak, sprout, or ferment seeds and grains. I’ll be inspiring you to make the kitchen cool again, and you’ll brainstorm how to identify which foods are healthiest for you (this is a bioindividual approach). This class is for you if any of the following describe you…
Class 3) The Top 3 Dietary Changes for Disease Prevention & Well Being
Date: Jan 30
By applying these 3 changes to your diet, you can profoundly change the future of your health, your brain function, and your overall quality of life. A great class for the entire household.
Click here to expand and learn more about this class Several changes to our food system have set us up for cancer, heart disease, all forms of chronic disease, and weight gain. In this class you will learn how impactful it will be when you reduce your sugar intake, the use of factory vegetable oils, and processed foods (with a big focus on flour-based foods). Many of these foods are our favorite foods, and you’ll learn why that is. You’ll learn a few tips for conquering sugar addiction, reducing cravings, and most importantly, the healthy & delicious alternatives for these foods you’ll be eliminating. This class is for you if any of the following describe you…
Class 4) Effective Strategies for Dining Out & Socializing with Dietary Restrictions or Food Sensitivities
Date: Feb 6
Living with food sensitivities, or dining out while you’re on a diet, can be very difficult at first. Marisa has plenty of brainstorming activities and actionable strategies to make socializing and dining out fun again.
Click here to expand and learn more about this class In this class you will learn about my journey with non-celiac gluten sensitivity. I will walk you through some brainstorming exercises where you will document your symptoms (from food sensitivities or diet/weight), your goals, experiences, and your motivations. I’ll teach you how to plan ahead so you don’t get embarrassed in social situations, and so you never go hungry. You’ll learn just what to say in response to disbelievers or critics, and how to make your dietary restrictions less of a “big deal”. This class is for you if any of the following describe you…
Contact [email protected] to set up these workshops near you.
Series 2: “Actionable Know-How for Healthy Living in 2018”
Series description: Learn how to make lasting changes for your health with Health Coach Marisa Moon as we identify your personality type, define your values, and grocery shop with wellness in mind. We’ll wrap up with a plan to maximize sleep, incorporate natural movement, and manage stress in our busy lives.
Class 1) Better Than Before: How to Make Lasting Changes in Your Life
Based on the teachings of Gretchen Rubin, a happiness & habits expert, you will learn how your unique personality traits determine the success of your wellness endeavors & habit formation.
Click here to expand and learn more about this class In this class we will dive into the insightful methodology I learned from the works of Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen is the world-renowned author who wrote “Better Than Before: What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits to Sleep More, Quit Sugar, Procrastinate Less, and Generally Build a Happier Life”; and a spin-off book titled “The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (and Other People’s Lives Better Too)”. Everyone in class will take the personality profile quiz to help you finally reveal why it is that you DO, or DON’T do, the things you plan to do in your daily life. We’ll buckle down and identify your top wellness goals, and then discuss how to use this information on your own moving forward. Get ready for some shocking insight!
Class 2) Defining Your New Values, & Food Priorities for a Diet that becomes a Lifestyle
Once you tap into what you and your family need, and what you value most, you will create a set of standards that determines your future with food and becomes a lifestyle.
”ClickClass 3) Health Coach Guided Grocery Shopping: Strategies for Shopping with Wellness in Mind
Join Marisa, at Strak & Van Til in Munster, as she guides you through the food aisles and ingredient lists showing you how to maximize nutrition, eliminate toxins, and focus on what matters the most in your life.
IMPORTANT: This class is extremely limited to 8 attendees. Please register right away if it interests you because space will fill up quickly.
Click here to expand and learn more about this classDo you wish you had a health coach to go grocery shopping with you? Labels, advertisements, and food in general can be so misleading when you’re trying to eat healthy. During this class I will identify the top 3 dietary changes you can make to keep your family healthy. Then, I will ask you to define your grocery priorities, such as budget, time, or dietary needs. Once we do that we will walk through the aisles of the grocery store uncovering common food label claims and tricky ingredient lists. I’ll show you the greatest finds for top nutrition, convenience, and the lowest level of toxins. You’ll walk away with so much actionable knowledge that can serve you forever more.
Class 4) Critical Everyday Movement, Stress Management, & Sleep Strategies for Well-Being
These 3 elements of health are crucial for healthy living in the modern world. When combined with a whole food diet, life can take on a whole new level of vitality.
Click here to expand and learn more about this classI would love to talk about these topics in each and every wellness workshop I teach because they are SO vitally important today for anyone who wants more energy and better health. Join me in this informative class as I teach you the vital importance of all-day movement and mobility and how that relates to injury-prevention and longevity. I’ll teach you about stress hormones in the body and the many ways our modern life creates excess stress. Then we’ll get into stress management that is totally doable, including the life-changing results you can achieve with your health when you give your body recovery time and quality sleep.